The Tabor Opera House
August 4, 2018
The EJ Cox Band will be bringing their show to one of the most historic venues in Colorado, The Tabor Opera House. The Tabor is over 135 years old and is located in the heart of the rockies in one of the most infamous towns from the wild west days, Leadville, CO.
In the late 1800's such acts as Harry Houdini and even Buffalo Bill performed at the famed Opera House, and on Saturady evening August 4 at 7:30 pm, Cox and his band will bring back the feelings of the old west with their performance of true "COUNTRY-FRIED FOLKGRASS".
EJ and his band, Jackson Emmer and Dave Harding on guitar and Casey Boyd on Banjo, will be welcoming special guests Randy Tico (Jeff Bridges and The Abiders) on Bass, and Lois Mahalia (Kenny Loggins, Joe Walsh) on vocals, both from Santa Barbara. You don't want to miss this show.
Tickets available here: